Outline the various methods used for soil and water conservation stating how each of them works


Outline the various methods used for soil and water conservation stating how each of them works



Methods for soil and water conservation
? Grass strips/filter strips – 1-2 meters wide along the contour at intervals of 30metre reduce the speed of flowing water and
filter out soil
? Cover cropping – prevent movement of soil and impact of the rain drops.
? Contour farming – created ridges of earth which hold up water reducing water-run-off.
? Mulching – prevents splash erosion/reduces speed of surface run-off increasing infiltration/reduces evaporation/increases
water retention capacity
? Cropping system/rotational grazing/crop rotation improve soil structure increasing water infiltration to reduce volume o f
surface run-off
? Intercroping – provides adequate ground cover to reduce impact of rain drops
? Strip cropping – different strips filter out soil particles and reduce surface run-off.
? Grassed/vegetated water ways slow the speed of water and traps eroded soil particles.
? Afforestation and reaforestation – protects soil from raindrops/provides shade reducing evaporation/act as wind breaks, binds
soil reducing erodability.
? Agroforesty – provides wind breaks/improves infiltration/reduces speed of water/improves infiltration
john3 answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 04:52

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