Describe milk fever disease under the following sub-headings.(i) Animals attacked (ii) Symptoms in an identified animal (iii) Methods of controlling milk fever


Describe milk fever disease under the following sub-headings.
(i) Animals attached
(ii) Symptoms in an identified animal
(iii) Methods of controlling milk fever



i) Lactating cows
She goats
ii) Complete anorexia
? Dullness of pupils
? Body extremities are cold to touch
? Animals struggle as it walks
? Animal Lies down with sternum & neck twisted on
one side to lie on the shoulder
? Animal falls down & become unconscious
? Stomach contents may be drawn into the mouth
? Feed animal with diet rich in late pregnancy & early
? Practice partial milking in cows that have a history of
the disease
? Inject animals with Vitamin D & parathyroid
extractions during the gestation period
? Inject animal with Calcium borogluconate solution
john3 answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 04:56

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