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Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of an adult ruminant


Describe the digestion of grass in the rumen of an adult ruminant



? Acts as a temporary storage of food providing room for
churning& mixing of the food with water
? Microorganisms act on cellulose breaking it into simple
? Microorgansims Synthesize Vitamin B & K
? Microorganisms synthesize Amino Acids from Ammonia
? Cellulose breaks down leads to formation of volatile fatty
acids bacteria proteins & ammonia gas
? Some ammonia belched through the mouth making the
saliva alkaline
? Feed materials that is not chewed properly is returned to
the mouth for further chewing- regurgitation
? The further chewing of the food in the mouth brings about
the chewing of curd
john3 answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 04:58

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