Describe the life cycle of a liver fluke


Describe the life cycle of a liver fluke



? The adult fluke that stays in the liver of the primary host
lays eggs
? Eggs pass via the bile duct to the alimentary canal & then
out through the anus together with the droppings
? Incase the eggs fall in warm stagnant water they hatch into
the first larvae / stage a ciliated motile embryo known as
? The miracidium bore into the body of fresh water snail
? In the snail the miracidium develops further to form
numerous larvae forms known as sporocytes
? The sporoctes further develops to form redia
? The redia develop further to form a larvae stage known as
? Cercarial bow out of the snails become encysted then
known as metacercariae & attaches itself on grass blades
near the water body
? The metacercariae is swallowed by animals as they graze /
drink infested water
? After ingestion the cyste dissolve & the larvae penetrates
the wall of the intestine into the liver where they develop
into adult flukes
john3 answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 05:03

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