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After the system is operational, post-implementation evaluation performed. How is this conducted and what is its significance?


After the system is operational, post-implementation evaluation performed. How is this
conducted and what is its significance?



These establish whether the objectives and targeted performance criteria have been met,
and if not, why not, and what should be done about it. Comparisons are made between
actual and predicted performance in terms of:
Throughput speeds
Use of computer storage
Numbers and types of errors/queries
Costs of processing
The post implementation reviews should be conducted some time after the system
implementation to take consideration of initial teething problems.
Post-implementation evaluation feedback
Includes various areas:
Accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of output
User satisfaction
System reliability and maintainability
Adequacy of system controls and security
Hardware efficiency/platform performance
Effectiveness of database implementation
Performance of the IS team
Completeness and quality of documentation
Quality and effectiveness of training
Accuracy of cost-benefit estimates and development schedules
A post-implementation evaluation is based on fact-finding methods similar to
techniques used during the systems analysis phase
gregorymasila answered the question on December 18, 2017 at 14:23

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