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State and explain five factors affecting milk composition in cattle


State and explain five factors affecting milk composition in cattle



Factors affecting milk composition.
(i) Age of the animal – young animals produce milk with a higher butter fat content than older animals.
(ii) Physiological condition of the animal – under extreme emaciation there is a drop in the butter fat content of the milk.
Animal at its late stages of pregnancy produces milk with low butter fat content.
(iii) Stage of lactation and pregnancy
Butter fat content is higher at middle phase of lactation period.
Protein and minerals increase in the second phase of lactation.
(iv) Completeness of milk.
(v) Breed differences – different breeds of animals produce milk with different percentage composition.
(vi) Season of the year – fat percentage increase during cold seasons of the year.
(vii)Type of food eaten by the animal
? Volatile fatty acids produced in the rumen influence composition of milk.
? Acetic acid influence the synthesis of milk with high fats protein and lactose.
(viii) Diseases like mastitis reduces lactose composition in milk.
john3 answered the question on December 19, 2017 at 08:47

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