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Explain how computer operating systems are classified based on human computer interface.


Explain how computer operating systems are classified based on human computer interface.



According to the type of interface handled,the operating system is classified into three categories namely;command line,menu driven and graphic user interfaces.

Command line interface;This operating system allows the user to interact with the computer by providing a command prompt interface where the user types the command to be executed,and then presses the enter key to allow the computer to execute the command.The user must memorize the commands hence not user friendly.A good example is MS-DOS.

Menu driven interface;This operating system provides the user with a set of list of options called menu,Where the user can choose from.The user does not have to memorize the commands.Example is DOS shell or DOS Editor.

Graphic User Interface(GUI);This operating system allows the user to enter commands by pointing and clicking on the symbols represented by pictorial objects called icons displayed on the screen.The user will choose the command needed for a task by clicking on the appropriate icon using a mouse or touching with a fingure for touch screens.Examples include window,UNIX,Novell or Macintosh.
isaacmuthini answered the question on December 19, 2017 at 09:59

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