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You are been invited by your company to be among the board of interviewers for a certain vacant position in your company. What would you do during the interview?


You are been invited by your company to be among the board of interviewers for a certain vacant position in your company. What would you do during the interview?



Ask the interviewees questions which are sincere
Do not use impolite words such as you are lying even if you feel the interviewee is giving you misleading information
Manage the time allocated to each interviewee
Do not interrupt the interviewee. Give him or her to say what he or she intends.
Create a conducive environment for the interview. Try as much as possible to strike a rapport with the interviewee only then can you get a lot from the interview.
Do not ask the interviewees questions touching on their personal life as it might embarrass them.
Faimus answered the question on December 19, 2017 at 17:07

Next: Your company has invited few applicants for a certain vacant position for interview. What would you do to prepare as the interviewer?
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