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Explain five factors a manager would consider before buying office equipment for the organization.


Explain five factors a manager would consider before buying office equipment for the organization.



i. Cost of machine, if the enterprise can afford the equipment.
ii. Durability , whether the equipment can last for a long time.
iii. Spare parts, if they are readily available.
iv. Service personnel, whether there are qualified personnel who would be servicing the or repairing the equipment.
v. Effect on staff morale, how introduction of the equipment would affect the staff in the in the organization.
vi. Extent of use, whether the equipment can serve more than one purpose.
vii. Manpower to operate the equipment, can the equipment be used /operated by the existing staff.
viii. Power, is power available to operate it.
ix. Possibility of hiring instead of buying, is the cost of hiring less than of buying the equipment.
x. Complementary materials do the equipment use the available materials.

joseph rimiru answered the question on December 21, 2017 at 19:51

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