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The cells of a certain herbaceous plant were found to have a diameter of 25µm. The cells were placed in varying concentrations of sugar solution....


The cells of a certain herbaceous plant were found to have a diameter of 25µm. The cells were placed in varying concentrations of sugar solution. The average diameter of the cells in each solution was determined and the results obtained were as shown in the table below.
Concentration of sugar solution (%)---Diameter of cells (µm)

a)From the results determine the concentration of the cell sap.
b)Give an explanation for the average diameter of the cells placed in 15%
c) Name the process that occurred in the cells which were placed in 1% sugar solution.




a)From the results determine the concentration of the cell sap.
25 um = (15 -10) 12.5%

b)Give an explanation for the average diameter of the cells placed in 15% sugar solution
The solution was hypertonic to the cell sap; drew water from the cell by osmosis; thus the cell became plasmolysed;/facid/shrine
c) Name the process that occurred in the cells which were placed in 1% sugar solution.

johnson mwenjera answered the question on December 24, 2017 at 12:00

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