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Most of the petroleum used between Mombasa and Eldoret is transported by pipeline. Explain six advantages to the country arising from the use of...


Most of the petroleum used between Mombasa and Eldoret is transported by pipeline. Explain six advantages to the country arising from the use of this method of transport.



i. It is labour saving since most of the work is automated /done by machines/which reduces the cost of transport.
ii. Its environmentally friendly since it does not produce smoke/noise.
iii. Can be constructed through difficult/bad areas/terrain where other forms of transport/roads cannot pass/accept examples of difficult/bad areas as mention.
iv. A lot of fuel/large volume can be transported within a short period/since there is continuous flow of fuel.

v. Reduces damage/congestion/accidents on roads by reducing the number of oil tankers on the roads.
vi. It reduces delays in road transport by reducing the number of oil tankers/congestion on the roads.
vii. Maintenance/operation costs are low/cheap since most of the flow of fuel is by gravity/electric booster stations.
steve williams answered the question on December 30, 2017 at 06:41

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