On ingestion, ugali and meat are grinded into small particles by the teeth to increase the surface area for digestion. The saliva acts as a solvent, it also contains enzyme amylase which digests starch to maltose. The tongue rolls the food into small boluses then pushed to the pharynx, a process of swallowing.
The food then passes down the gullet into the stomach. The presence of food in the stomach stimulates the stomach walls to secretes gastric juice which contains; pepsin that digests protein in meat to peptides.
The chyme from the stomach gets into the duodenum through the pyloric sphincter .The pancreatic juice which is secreted in the duodenum contains pancreatic amylase that digests remaining starch to maltose. The trypsin digests proteins to peptides. The pancreatic lipase digests lipids in meat to fatty acids to glycerol. The food gets into the illeum where the enzyme maltase digests maltose to glucose. Enzyme peptidase digests peptides into amino acids and enzyme lipase digests lipids to fatty acids and glycerol.
The resulting watery emulsion of food is then absorbed into the blood stream for assimilation.
Biology Chemistry tutor answered the question on January 12, 2018 at 12:19
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Concentration of sugar solution (%)---Diameter of cells (µm)
a)From the results determine the concentration of the cell sap.
b)Give an explanation for the average diameter of the cells placed in 15%
c) Name the process that occurred in the cells which were placed in 1% sugar solution.
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(i) Name the type of response exhibited by the climbing stem.
ii) Explain how the response named in (a) (i) above takes place.
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(a)What observations are made after 20 minutes?
(b)What type of response is exhibited by the termites?
(c)What is the survival value of the above response?
(d)What is Photonasty?
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