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a) Explain the significance of belief in the oneness of Allah (s.w). (b) Mention the ulul –Azmi prophets. (c) State the qualities of an Imam....


a) Explain the significance of belief in the oneness of Allah (s.w).
b) Mention the ulul –Azmi prophets.
c) State the qualities of an Imam.



i) Helps a Muslim to have sincere belief in Allah
ii) Helps an individual to know more about his creator
iii) Guides a Muslim to follow the right path
iv) Teaches mankind that Allah is the ruler of everything
v) Helps a Muslim to be aware that only Allah is worth of worship and praise
vi) Tawheed provides a strong a degree of determination patience, perseverance and trust in Allah (S.W)
i) Prophet Nuh (A.S)
ii) Prophet Ibrahim (A.S)
iii) Prophet Musa (AS)
iv) Prophet Issa (AS)
iv) Prophet Mohammad (SAW)
i) Must be male Muslim
ii) Conversant with Islamic law
iii) Must be pious
iv) Should be just
v) Should be conversant with the knowledge of Quran and hadith
vi) Should be honest
steve williams answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 04:37

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