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Describe dry bean production under the following sub headings (i) Varieties (ii) Field practices (iii)Harvesting


Describe dry bean production under the following sub headings.
i. Varieties
ii. Field practices
iii. Harvesting



Dry bean production
(i) Varieties
-Mwezi moja/GLP 1004
-Canadian wonder/GLP 24 -K74
(ii) Field practices
-Shallow weeding/done before flowering to avoid knocking down of flowers.
-Control of pests with appropriate chemicals.
-Control of diseases with appropriate chemicals.
-Staking for climbing varieties.
(iii) Harvesting
-Done by uprooting of dry plants.
-Uprooting should be done in the morning/cool weather to minimize amount of pud sheltering.
-Takes 2-3 moths after planting depending on the variety
steve williams answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 07:06

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