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Discuss the use of satire in the story 'When The Sun Goes Down.'


Discuss the use of satire in the story 'When The Sun Goes Down.'



Steve satirizes the customary way of life in which a woman is perceived to be subordinate to a man.The patriarchal society has defined roles for men and women.Domestic chores are perceived to be a preserve of women.Being an unlighted individual.Steve regards this definition of roles as primitive and outdated.

Steve's society is satirized for marginalizing HIV/AIDS victims.The society has shunned Steve and in particular Maureen whom it is claiming has bewitched Steve and for being interested in his money.'Steve was aware of the people's eyes on him as he passed.

Kanja has been satirized for being hypocritical.He pretends to be concerned about Steve's predicament but his insincerity is evident when he declines to take a glass of juice offered to hi by Maureen for the fear of being infected.

Kanja's cowardly nature is satirized.He visualizes himself carrying the disease in the veins of his body and people talking about him.He then concludes that he would rather hang himself than have the whole village backbiting him.Maureen's former husband is also satirized for his lack of will to live.
Mr Kobia is satirized for being prejudiced towards Maureen,a victim of HIV/AIDS.He rejects Tom's request that he helps transport Maureen to hospital in his car for fear of being infected
marto answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 07:55

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