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Change is inevitable and when it occurs we have no option but to accept it."Justify this statement by giving relevant illustrations from the story,'leaving' by...


Change is inevitable and when it occurs we have no option but to accept it."Justify this statement by giving relevant illustrations from the story,'leaving' by Moyez G.Vassanji.



The narrators family has been forced to carry out economic readjustments following the passing away of the narrator's father.Pictures of her before her husband's death portrays a contented woman,contrary to her current description of wearing a stern face getting sterner with time as the lines set permanently and the hair thinned, the body squat, the voice thickened.She laments that the 400 dollars pocket money as well as the funds to cater for the narrator's air ticket was beyond her means.This is a pointer to the economic constraints she is facing her husbands absence.

The narrator's mother has been forced to accept the reality that her children upon maturity will move out to chart their own course in life.The narrator's two sisters and brother move out of their parents house to either get married or pursue their interests.The narrator having joined the university only visits home at the weekends.

Despite the narrator's mother's adamancy in allowing her last born son (Aloo) to travel to America to pursue his dreams to further his studies there,she eventually relents.According to the writer,even though people fear change, change may bring with it good tidings.

The narrator's mother had placed her hopes on the youngest of her children,Aloo and the narrator.Owing to this,she was determined that they were not distracted by the chores needed doing around the store.This reason informed her decision to sell the store.Thereafter the family shifted from bustling Uhuru street to the quiet and desolate Upanga Road.

marto answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 08:29

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