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What reasons encouraged nationalists in Mozambique to use armed struggle to attain independence?


Give reasons that encouraged nationalists in Mozambique to use armed struggle to attain independence.



(i) They got support in form of arms, medicine and finances from Russia and China.

(ii) They got encouragement from Zimbabwe who had resulted into armed struggle.

(iii) USA and Western countries were not offering any peaceful solution to problem in Mozambique.

(iv) There was strict and rigorous censorship by the security forces in Mozambique.
They didn't allow the publishing of any newspaper by Africans.

(v) The authoritarian government set up by Dr. Salazar in Portugal didn't accept the ideas of freedom.
Its rule was against forming political parties or trade unions.

(vi) There were no constitutional means in Mozambique to register protests.

(vii) There were few African intellectuals in Mozambique who encouraged Africans to take arms.

(viii) They were encouraged by countries like Tanzania who offered them training and material support.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 08:39

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