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Discuss the theme of alienation as brought out in Anita Desai's "Diamond Dust".


Discuss the theme of alienation as brought out in Anita Desai's "Diamond Dust".



Mr. Das obsession with his dog has alienated him from his family members.The love and affection for his dog should have been accorded to his wife and children.He greets the dog on his return home before greeting his wife,children or anybody else with a joyful cry.'Diamond! Diamond! His wife protests,not even about our own children,not even our first born son or your grandchildren have you made so much of as of that dog.'

Mr.Das obsession with Diamond has also alienated him from his colleagues and friends who consider his behavior disgraceful.According to them,Mr Das had taken leave of his senses.'How could a reputable government servant,a colleague,fall so low? A.P Bose and C.P Biswas are at a loss for words or how to approach Mr Das to dissuade him fro his unbecoming behavior.

Diamonds despicable acts have alienated its owner from the society.Diamond leaps at a chop Mrs Das had prepared for her husband.She rushes past Mrs.Das,bumping against a door.Mrs Das is forced to mop up the puddle from her gleaming floors when diamond was a puppy.Diamond attacks the postman and tears his trouser leg.As a result,he refuses to bring the letters to the door and instead throws them over the fence.In fact Diamond chased off anyone at all in uniform.The board of Electricity officials who would come to check the meter,telephone lines repairmen and even the garbage collectors kept off the compound.

Mr Das' obsession with his dog Diamond has alienated him from himself.His portrayal of lack of self esteem,lack of dignity and integrity as well as senselessness is a result of his obsession with Diamond.Even though Diamond terrorizes the neighbor's children as well as the postmasters,garbage collectors,officials for boards of electricity and telephone lines repair men,Mr Das remains unmoved.Commenting about Diamond's treatment of the postman he said,"is he a man or a mouse?' He goes on playing excitedly with his dog disturbing the morning peace.When C.P Biswas tries to question Mr.Das about some agreement he overheard on the phone with his superior,Mr Das only keeps on saying!Diamond is missing, I cant find Diamond.
marto answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 09:18

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