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What challenges were faced by the Nationalists in Mozambique?


Give the challenges faced by the Nationalists in Mozambique.



(i) The apartheid government in South Africa and the government in Zimbabwe joined hands with the Portuguese.

(ii) There were many tribes and it was hard to unite them.

(iii) FRELIMO was denied western aid.
This made them turn to Russia and China for assistance.

(iv) The Portuguese arrested and killed many nationalists.

(v) Competition from rival guerrilla movement, the assassination of FRELIMO leader Eduardo Mondlane.

(vi) Internal division in FRELIMO due to ideological differences and selfish ambition among some nationalists.

(vii) Severe shortage of food, clothing and medicine.

(viii) They lacked support from the Catholic Church who saw FRELIMO as a terrorist movement.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 09:31

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