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Identify the functions of the nouns in the following sentences The teacher teaches in a private school The young lady bought her five year old daughter...


Identify the functions of the nouns in the following sentences
The teacher teaches in a private school
The young lady bought her five year old daughter a new dress
He was tried of his employer's insults and so he decided to resign.
The car that he bought had been stolen from the old man.
The army will be back in the country in a month.



The teacher teaches in a private school (the noun teacher is the subject while private school is the object)
The young lady bought her five year old daughter a new dress ( the young lady is the subject, a new dress is the direct object while her five year old daughter is an indirect object)
He was tried of his employer's insults and so he decided to resign. (employer's insults is the object)
The car that he bought had been stolen from the old man. (the car is the subject while the old man is an indirect object)
The army will be back in the country in a month. (the army is the subject)
Faimus answered the question on January 3, 2018 at 17:36

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