Give seven reasons that make it necessarily for an ECDE teacher to prepare a record of work


Give seven reasons that make it necessarily for an ECDE teacher to prepare a record of work



i) For internal/ external assessment/ evaluation purpose by relevant authorities

ii) Record area that were not understood by the children/ not taught well/ need improvement.

iii) Enables the teacher to reflect/ show the amount of work covered/ areas/ topic covered

iv) Helps in setting the pace for completion of the syllabus/ helps the teacher to plan proper use of time allocated to cover the remaining content

v) Guides the teacher to be accountable for his/ her work

vi) Helps the teacher to know whether the learning materials used were appropriate

vii) Helps the to identify areas of weakness in the teaching/ learning process.

viii) For reference by a new teacher joining the school

ix) It helps in coordinating teaching and monitoring the progress made by teachers handling different streams

x) For future planning.
johnmulu answered the question on April 4, 2017 at 09:25

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