A research problem can be defined as a statement which clearly and simply states the purpose of the research,a good research problem should not state any relationship between the variables to be investigated. Example of research problems included;
1. What effect did the August 8th 2018 elections have on the economy of Kenya
2. What is the association of stress and academic performance of fourth year students of Nairobi University
3. What is the relationship between female genital mutilation among the Kuria community and girls school attendance
Ara Akinyi answered the question on March 17, 2018 at 10:16
- What is a policy in insurance?(Solved)
What is a policy in insurance?
Date posted: December 15, 2017. Answers (1)
- Give six challenges facing kussco operations in Kenya.(Solved)
Give six challenges facing kussco operations in Kenya.
Date posted: December 12, 2017. Answers (1)
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Give four securities that a member may use to borrow capital development loan from a sacco.
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Outline the contents of a loan withdrawal voucher.
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Outline four sources of funds of a cooperative society.
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Give six reasons that led to the establishment of the cooperative savings scheme.
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Cite companies that do not need the consumer orientation concept of marketing.
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Give the techniques of managing public debt
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What is the difference between capital and money markets?
Date posted: September 28, 2017. Answers (1)
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What are the purposes of taxation in kenya?
Date posted: September 17, 2017. Answers (1)
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Differentiate between impact of tax and incidence of tax?
Date posted: September 17, 2017. Answers (1)