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Explain the problems farmers face in marketing agricultural produce


Explain the problems farmers face in marketing agricultural produce



? Storage - lack of storage facilities to handle perishable / large quantities at harvesting time.

? Seasonability - Agriculture production is seasonal in nature. Abundant during harvest time and scarce in dry season.

? Perishability - loose quality rapidly, so need to be sold immediately, or processed or put in special storage facilities.

? Lack of market information - lack technical knowledge accessing market information.

? Poor infrastructure - face problem of delivering produce to the market because of poor roads in some areas produce get spoilt in transit before reaching the market.

? Change in the market demand time between making decisions to produce and when products are realized is long and within the period changes may occur in consumer's tastes and preference.

? Bulkiness - most are bulky thus they require a lot of space for storage and transporting which increase production cost.

? Competition from cheap imports - Similar produce imported into the country at cheaper prices can complete with locally produced products hence market problem.

? Delayed payments - This reduces the morale of farmers.

? Fluctuation in prices - change in supply brought about by over production with cause price to fluctuate.
john3 answered the question on January 7, 2018 at 07:09

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