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Describe gumboro under the following sub-headings: (i) Animals affected (ii) Causal organism (iii) Incubation period (iv) Symptoms of attack (v) Control


Describe gumboro under the following sub-headings:
i) Animals affected
ii) Causal organism
iii) Incubation period
iv) Symptoms of attack
v) Control
c) Name two nutritional disorders of cattle.



i) Chicken, turkeys, pigeons and ducks.
ii) Causal organism
- Virus
- Birna virus
iii) Incubation period
- 2 - 3 days
iv) Symptoms of attack
? Glands above the vent become swollen.
? Decrease in egg production.
? Birds develop respiratory distress
? There is loss of appetite.
? Affected birds show low water intake.
? Severe immuno-suppression / birds become
susceptable to other diseases.
? In hot weather and high humidity conditions the
death rate (mortality rate) increases.
(2 marks)
? Vaccination
? Use vitamins (especially B12)
- Milk fever
- Bloat
john3 answered the question on January 7, 2018 at 07:23

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