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How to write an essay for English


How to write an essay for English



An essay is a piece of writing on a particular subject.
Essays have a content that is considered when writing.


(a) Introduction
(b) Body
(c) Conclusion

(a) Introduction
It is mainly based on deriving the validity of the subject. It marks the beginning of the idea under question. Introduction may be derived from the subject.

(b) Body
The body entails much about the subject. It contains evidences that support the topic. It also has references from either books or other documents.
The writer should have at least four to five points that are strong and well illustrated to earn much marks.

(c) Conclusion
In conclusion the writer is only supposed to briefly support the subject in question.
Many students feel it necessary to embellish the end of their essay with a fancy graphic. This is not necessary and may even annoy your teacher. Simply end your essay with the last period of your last sentence and leave it at that. Similarly, you do not need to write "The End."

Edwinnyongesa8 answered the question on April 23, 2018 at 13:43

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