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State lessons to Christians from Amos teaching on Israel Election


State lessons to Christians from Amos teaching on Israel Election



•God chooses Christians from many other

•God protects them from enemies

•Christians are the people of God, the new Israel

•They should be faithful/obedient

•It is God who chooses them

•God will punish unrepentant Christians

•They should always repent

•They are chosen to proclaim Good News


1. God chose the Israelites, Abraham’s descendants, and made a covenant with them at Mount Sinai.
2. If they obeyed God’s commandments, they would be His and He would be their God.
3. Israel’s election was due to Yahweh’s love for her forefathers and not that she merited it.
4. They were a holy nation and had the obligation and responsibility of recognizing only Yahweh as God, by keeping His commandments.
5. Failure to meet this responsibility would bring a more severe punishment on Israel.
6. The Israelites misunderstood the concept of divine election and became proud and had unfounded assurance in Yahweh’s protection.
7. God could have chosen any other nation for His self-revelation.
8. God is active in the history of the nations even though they are not aware that He leads and judges them. He is the God of all nations.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 7, 2018 at 11:26

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