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Describe the factors considered when siting farm structures.


Describe the factors considered when siting farm structures.



i. Wind direction: on the leeward side especially livestock houses to avoid bad smell.

ii. Topography:-should be gently sloping to facilitate free flow of rain and water.

iii. Accessibility: - the place should be easy to reach from parts of the farm.

iv. Soil type:-should be fairly well drained.

v. Existing amenities: - should be located near to the existing amenities such as electricity and water supply.

vi. Government regulation:-should be strictly be adhered to.

vii. Security:-structures. poultry ones should be safe from predators, thieves and trespassers.

viii. Farmer’s tastes and preferences: -some may prefer to have a homestead in a sheltered place/farmer should consider what pleases him/her.
steve williams answered the question on January 7, 2018 at 12:36

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