- He was born of a virgin Mary
- He was a descendant of David (Joseph his foster father was a descendant of David)
- He was born in Bethlehem the city of David
- The Tittles given by prophet Isaiah were reported by the angel Gabriel to Mary e.g. “the son of the most high”
- Jesus himself at the beginning of his ministry affirms that, he is the Messiah, when he repeats that Isaiah said, “The spirit of the lord is upon me” Isaiah 61:1-3
- His life, death and resurrection fulfills what the Old Testament prophets said about him
- His shameful death on the cross fulfills what Deutro –Isaiah 53 said about the suffering servant of God
- His resurrection fulfills what the Old Testament said that God will restore his life after his suffering
He is from the lineage of David
His kingdom is expected to last forever
Spiritual ruler
He is the servant of God
Brought/ushered in the Kingdom of God
Regarded as savior
Known as Emmanuel
Born in Bethlehem
Born of a virgin
Performed miracles
Was the son of God
Was crucified for sinners
johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 7, 2018 at 13:49
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