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Describe FIVE methods used in harvesting water on the farm.


Describe FIVE methods used in harvesting water on the farm.



i. Used of weirs/dams.
- Weir is constructed across the river to raise water level and facilitate pumping.
- Dams forms reservoirs that store water and facilitate pumping.

ii. Roof catchment: Rain water is collected from rooftops, then directed into water storage structures/tanks.

iii. Use of pond: Stone water for livestock and domestic use/rearing fish.

iv. Rock catchment: Rain water harvested from rocks by constructing a concrete wall amount the base of the rock and directed to the reservoir.

v. Use of wells: harvesting of rain water from big rocks.
- Concrete channels constructed at the base of the rocks to direct water into a reservoir.
steve williams answered the question on January 8, 2018 at 04:14

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