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Write down five instructions given by to his disciples on how to pray by Jesus


Write down five instructions given by to his disciples on how to pray by Jesus.



Instructions given by Jesus to his disciples on how to pray
(i) Prayers must be honest/ sincere

(ii) To humble themselves before God during prayer/ not to exalt oneself rather be humble.

(iii) Prayer should be addressed to God who is the loving heavenly father

(iv) To be persistent in prayer/ wait patiently for God to answer prayers/ not to loose hope

(v) To have faith in God hence prayer

(vi) Prayers should be short, clear and to the point

(vii) Should show honour to God before making any request

(viii) Prayer should be made in private/ silent places (Jesus always withdrew from the crowd to go and pray).

joseph rimiru answered the question on January 8, 2018 at 17:26

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