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State five ways in which the Roman Empire helped in the spread of the early Church


State five ways in which the Roman Empire helped in the spread of the early Church.



Ways in which the Roman Empire helped in the spread of the early church
(i) The persecution of Christianity by Roman authorities forced Christian to disperse in different parts of the empire to escape persecution. As they went to spread the Good news and where they settled they started the Christian community. The blood of the martyr is the seed of the church.

(ii) The roman authorities had provided good roads and other infrastructure which make communication easy. Thus Christians missionaries and preachers were able to travel with relative ease.

(iii) The roman authorities maintained law and order therefore peace a factor which enabled Christian missionaries to travel safely within the empire.

(iv) There was unity in the Roman empire, under the ruler in Rome thus citizens of the empire could move from place to place without hindrance or visas. A factor which helped the Christians missionaries in their travels.

(v) Greek was the common language ( Lingua- Franca) of the empire which enabled the Christians to communicate their message wherever they went

(vi) The empire had adopted Greek education philosophy and cultures which provided a point of departure in preaching the gospel.

(vii) The organization skills of the Roman administrators, provinces, city states and towns helped the Christians in founding churches.

(viii) There was some degree of religious freedom which had allowed Jewish synagogues to exist in cities from where the missionaries started preaching the gospel.

(ix) The roman authorities gave roman citizenship to non- romans which allowed them the same privileges as the Roman themselves. Those Christians like Paul who had this citizenship could travel throughout the empire with guaranteed safety and protection.

(x) Later part of roman empire, Christianity was encouraged by Emperor Constantine.
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 8, 2018 at 17:29

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