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Identify the problems which Dr. Ludwig Krapf experienced when he worked as a missionary in Kenya between 1844 and 1858. (5mks)


Identify the problems which Dr. Ludwig Krapf experienced when he worked as a missionary in Kenya between 1844 and 1858.



Problems which Dr. Johann Ludwig Krapf experienced as a missionary in Kenya

(i) Hostile climate i.e hot and humid weather

(ii) Language barriers, at first he could not communicate effectively with the local people

(iii) Had to contend with tropical diseases e.g. malaria/ lack of proper medical facilities

(iv) Suffered personal tragedies when he lost his wife and child through death

(v) Hostility from some quarters e.g. Muslim Arabs and Swahili. Suffered an attack by robbers when he traveled inland with Chief Kivoi

(vi) Frustrations because the people he had come to work among were slow in accepting the gospel/ slow phase of the missionary work

(vii) Problems of adopting to a different life style form the one he used to in Europe e.g. housing, food

(viii) Suffered from loneliness

(ix) Lack of transport

(x) Wild animals

joseph rimiru answered the question on January 8, 2018 at 17:41

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