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State five factors which hinder Christians in Kenya from helping the needy


State five factors which hinder Christians in Kenya from helping the needy.



Factors which hinder Christians from helping the needy
(i) Too many needy cases

(ii) Lack of experts to help in specialized areas e.g. in hospitals to help people with special needs

(iii) Tribal/ ethnic feelings/ zoning prevalent at present/ marginalization

(iv) Political learning’s and influence Christians belonging to a political party are not free to help needy people who do not belong where they belong.

(v) Poor communication/ infrastructure in some parts of the country

(vi) Some times aid has some strings attached donors dictate how aid should be spent// given used

(vii) Economic demands/ inflation which leave Christians with nothing to help he poor with/ give/ lack of enough resources

(viii) Indifferences by some Christians to the plight of the needy/ some Christians are too attached to their material wealth/ selfishness

(ix) Corruption/ bribery prevailing in the society/ lack of transparency and accountability discourage some of the Christians from helping the poor

(x) Denominational factors where Christians from one denomination are not ready to help the needy who are not members of their church

(xi) Lack of strategies/ procedure/ system on how help given is spent

(xii) Lack of awareness by some Christians on alms giving
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 8, 2018 at 17:46

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