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The society depicted in Grace Ogot's "The Bamboo Hut" is chauvinistic.Support this assertion basing your argument on the story.


The society depicted in Grace Ogot's "The Bamboo Hut" is chauvinistic.Support this assertion basing your argument on the story.



The Luo community as portrayed in the story values the baby boy more than it does with the girl child.A chief without a boy child offspring feels unworthy of a mighty ruler.As a result,chief Mboga makes a plea to God through his ancestors for a baby boy who would be his heir.

Despite having numerous daughters,the chief feels that he would have no one to comfort and succeed him in old age as the daughter would get married.

The chief goes to the extend of promising a bamboo hut,a coveted prize,to any of his wives who would bear him a son,a heir to the beaded stool.

Achieng,one of the chief's wives,does not want to disappoint the chief further by bearing him another baby girl.She abandons the baby girl she gives birth to near the well and carries home the baby boy whom she presents to the chief.

The traditions of the community dictate that upon the birth of a baby boy,the drums would boom four times while for a baby girl it booms three times.

A chief never laughed or shed tears in public as this would be constructed as a sign of weakness.He would be construed as a sign of weakness.He could never be overwhelmed by emotions.However,on bearing an heir ,after having numerous daughters,big lumps of tears rolled down chief Mboga's cheek's.

Women are expected to present a picture of demureness and humble docility.When the chief encounters Awiti and other girls,the girls hide behind the long bushes to let the chief pass. Apiyo on the other hand stands waiting for the chief pass. Apiyo on the hand stands waiting for the chief,much to his surprise. A similar reaction occurs when Owiny encounters Awiti swimming in the river with her friends. Awiti even goes further to tell Owiny that he has no respect for ladies' privacy and orders him to throw to her,her own cloth. Owiny is surprised since he never took orders from anyone,let alone a woman.

A girl whose parentage is not known is not a suitable bride for a chief's son.Despite Awiti beauty,the general consensus in Mboga's homestead is that Awiti would not make a good wife Owing to his unknown parentage.

marto answered the question on January 9, 2018 at 09:27

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