Satire is the use of irony and sarcasm to mock characters and situations. In Witi Ihamaera's novel ,"The whale Rider",the writer has satirized certain characters as well as situation.
The writer has satirized the rigid adherence to traditional customs and practices that are discriminating against women. Koro Apirana's blind adherence to such traditions that prohibit women from ascending to any leadership position is satirized. When Kahu is born,Koro is disgusted and he openly disowns her."A girl.....I will having nothing to do with her..She has broken the male line of descent in our tribe.
Koro Apirana is also satirized for being unreasonably stubborn.He is portrayed as being a grumpy man who frequently sulked whenever he got involved in an argument with his wife.His act of rowing into the middle of the ocean to sulk whenever he quarreled with his wife is rather comical.
Man is satirized for engaging in activities that are destructive to nature.Man depletes the fish population through his act of over fishing. Similarly,whaling has contributed to the drastic reduction in whale population.According to the writer,"It was that sequence of human butchery,more than any other,which triggered feelings of sorrow and anger among the people of the coast."
Jeff's parents,Clara and Tom are satirized for being prejudiced.When their son Jeff Knocks down a pedestrian,Clara portrays xenophobia when he vehemently rejects the idea that they assist the victim owing to the fact that he was dark skinned."Oh I can see them. Shadow as on the road.Leave him here.Leave him.
Nani flowers sarcastically refers to the men and boys leaving the men only class as the ku klax klan. By alluding to the much feared and hateful American organization that advocated for white supremacy,Nani wishes to portray the tribe as being patriarchal and bent on glorifying men and marginalizing women and preventing them from accessing basic rights such as the right to education.Leadership is also regarded as a preserve of men in the tribe.
marto answered the question on January 9, 2018 at 11:01
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