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Explain four positive influence of lakes on human activities


Explain four positive influence of lakes on human activities.



Provision of water for domestic and industrial use

Provision of fresh water (some lakes) for irrigation in areas that practice agriculture

Some lakes are used as a cheap means of transport e.g. the Great Lakes of N. America

Some lakes are sources of valuable minerals exploited for economic gain

Some lakes are sources of building materials e.g. sand, pebbles etc

Some lakes are sources of fish eaten by people/ a habitat of fish

Some lakes are tourist attraction sites e.g. tarns and crater lakes which earn revenue/foreign exchange used to develop the economy

Lakes control flooding in case they are located along river courses

Some lakes are sources of rivers which are useful in the lands through which they flow.

johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 9, 2018 at 17:53

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