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State the positive significance of rivers


State the positive significance of rivers.



River water is used for both domestic and industrial purposes

Rivers with fresh water are used for irrigation

Navigable rivers are used as transportation routes

Some rivers provide port facilities especially in their raise and estuaries e.g. R. Mwachi

Some rivers are rich as fishing grounds Dammed rivers are sued for generation of HEP

River beds and valleys are sources of building materials like gravel, pebbles and sand

Some alluvial sediments may contain valuable minerals like gold, diamond etc

Features formed by rivers, e.g. waterfalls, gorges etc attract tourists who bring foreign exchange for developing others sectors of the economy

During flooding, fertile alluvial deposits may provide for fertile soils for agriculture

Some rivers form natural boundaries between administrative divisions like countries.

johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 9, 2018 at 18:17

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