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"Too much of something can be poisonous." Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."


"Too much of something can be poisonous."
Validate this statement in view of Mr. Das's experiences in the story "Diamond Dust."



Mr.Das' obsession with his dog diamond has made him object of ridicule.Mrs Das observes that Mr.Das avoids human company in preference for his dog's company.He merely waves at his friends at the park and passes on with his dog.

When diamond disappears for five days,Mr Das goes about crying his name in search for him.This is despite the fact that he is a government official.

When Diamond breaks off stronger chains and disappears during mating seasons/Mr Das goes in search for Diamond.'Like someone/a lover whose beloved has departed with another,but who has not abandoned his bitter desperate hope."

When Diamond comes back badly bitten,Mr.Das is so much concerned about his health that he gives him vitamin pills.

Mr Obsession with Diamond alienates him from his family members,colleagues and friends.The love he expresses for Diamond should have been accorded to his wife and children.He greets the dog on his return home before greeting his wife and children or anyone else.

His senseless obsession with Diamond turns tragic when he springs at the retreating dog catcher van having spotted Diamond in it.He falls,hitting his head on the stones in the street.
marto answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 07:03

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