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'Adzak's reign as a judge can be described as most controversial."Discuss this in the light of the unfolding events in Bertolt Bretch's play "The caucasian...


'Adzak's reign as a judge can be described as most controversial."Discuss this in the light of the unfolding events in Bertolt Bretch's play "The caucasian Chalk Circle."



Adzak is the village Srivener.When the reader first meets hi,he is in rags and is slightly drunk.He becomes a judge in most unusual way.

During the Easter Sunday when the grand Duke is overthrown and the governor Abashwili beheaded,Adzak finds a fugitive in the woods and hides him in his hut(not knowing the fugitive is the Grand Duke himself).

After the realization, he denounces himself and orders the policemen Shaulua to take him to Nuka,to court to be judged!I have helped the Grand Duke,the thief ,The Grand Butcher,to escape!In the name of justice,I ask to be severely judged in public trial.

When Adzak takes himself to court,he holds a discussion with the iron shirts that impresses them as he talks about justice or lack of it.

The fat prince enters with young man (his nephew)whom he intends to make judge.

He says thus "my friends,we need peace,peace,peace in Grusinia! And justice!So I've brought along my dear nephew Bizergan Kazbeki. He will be the new judge,him?

However after a play within a play in which Adzak is the Grand Duke under judgement,the judge was always a rascal!Now the rascal shall be a judge!very controversial indeed.

During Adzaks reign as a judge,he presides over several controversial cases.The first one concerns an invalid in a wheel chair and doctor.Just to show how controversial Adzak is ,he opens the case by making a short announcement,"I accept" which becomes the norm in all cases that he handles.

The invalid is accusing the doctor of negligence.He has stroke which he suffers after realizing that the doctor is treating a patient for free,yet he has not paid him money that the invalid gave him for his studies.

Interesting enough,the patient who has been treated freely has been operated on the wrong leg since the rheumatism he is suffering is in the left leg yet the doctor has operated on the wrong leg,hence he is now limping,as Adzak is handling two cases at a time and as controversial as can be,he acquits the doctor and the invalid is sentenced to a fine of one thousand piasters.The limping man is compensated with a bottle of rubbing alcohol while the blackmailer is sentenced to hand over the proceeds of the money given to him to the public prosecutor in order to keep the landowners name secret.

The second incident is where Adzak's ruling is controversial is in the open.It involves the innkeeper and his daughter -in-law against a stableman,who apparently defies her.To the amazement of all,the daughter in-law is the one who is sentenced and ordered to go with Adzak to the stables so the court can inspect the scene of the crime.

The height of Adzaks controversial ruling is again seen in the case of Grusha and Natella over the ownership of the boy Michael. Natella is in the company of two powerful lawyers and she is convinced that she will win the case,However,Adzak orders that the boy be placed in the middle of a circle.each woman is supposed to pull but Grusha refuses due to fear of hurting baby Michael,hence Adzak gives her the baby.

marto answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 09:39

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