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Explain eight soil conservation measures that can be used to conserve soil on a sloping farmland


Explain eight soil conservation measures that can be used to conserve soil on a sloping farmland



i) Terracing; reduces the speed of surface flow of water.

ii) Cut-off drains divert water run-off from uncultivated slopes into channels.

iii) Trash lines/stone lines: Trash/stones are heaped along contours to trap eroded soil.

iv) Gabions; they are built across a valley to trap soil and reduce speed of water.

v) Dams/reservoirs, built across a valley to hold/store water/reduce speed of water.

vi) Contour farming; carried along the contour to reduce speed of runoff.

vii) Mulching; reduce speed of run-off; avoid splash erosion; reduce evaporation and increase the water
holding capacity of the soil.

viii) Afforestation/forestation/agroforestry; Trees protect the soil from splash erosion by reducing the force with which rain falls on the ground; act as windbreaks/roots bind soil particles.

ix) Use of grass strips/filter – helps to slow the speed of water run-off and trap eroded soil.

x) Cover cropping – protect against splash erosion

xi) Use of grassed/vegetated waters ways trap eroded soil and slow speed of running water
john3 answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 14:35

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