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State and explain five methods of applying fertilizer in crop production


State and explain five methods of applying fertilizer in crop production



(i) Broadcasting – involve random scattering of fertilizer and use for soluble fertilizers and when the soil is moist.

(ii) Placement method – this is application of the fertilizer in the planting holes/drills. It is recommended when applying phosphatic fertilizers because it is less soluble.

(iii) Side dressing/topdressing
Involve placing the fertilizer at the side of the crop by either band or ring application.

(iv) Foliar spraying
This involve applying fertilizer solution onto the foliage of the crop. This is recommended during dry
season or when topdressing closely space crops.

(v) Drip/fertigation
john3 answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 14:49

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