Write down five lessons that Christians can learn about the mission of Jesus from the incident when the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees...


Write down five lessons that Christians can learn about the mission of Jesus from the incident when the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought to him a woman who was caught committing adultery.



Lessons about Jesus Mission from the incident when a woman caught in adultery was brought to him.
(i) Jesus mission was to teach/ preach the good news

(ii) Jesus mission was to justify/ fulfill the Law of Moses/ to fulfill the Law of the prophets.

(iii) Jesus’ mission was to and for all people/ universal/ for all nations/ Jesus/ Mission did not discriminate against any group of people / it was fair to all

(iv) Jesus did not come to judge/ condemn sinners but to save them

(v) Jesus mission was to seek and save the lost

(vi) Jesus mission was to challenge the Jewish leaders in their attitudes/ their hypocrisy/ their interpretation of the law

(vii) Jesus was going to experience problems/ difficulties/ temptations in his mission

(viii) Jesus does not condone sin although he forgives the sinner

joseph rimiru answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 19:44

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