State five Christian’s teachings about the Lord’s Supper.


State five Christian’s teachings about the Lord’s Supper.



Christians teachings about the Lord’s Supper
(i) The Lord’s Supper was inaugurated by Jesus

(ii) It is memorial of crucified and risen Christ (Anamnesis).

(iii) The Lord’s Supper is a gift from the lord

(iv) It is a sacrifice of praise and thanks giving

(v) It is the Church’s effective proclamation of God’s mighty acts and promises

(vi) It is a sign of the unity of the church/ believers

(vii) It is the new Paschal meal of the church/ the meal of the new covenant which Christ gave to his disciple

(viii) It is a sacramental meal which by visible signs communities God’s love in Jesus Christ / sacrament of Christ real presence

(ix) The bread is a symbol of the body of Christ which was crucified

(x) The wine/ cup is a symbol of his blood which was shed/ blood of the new covenant

(xi) It is a foretaste of Christ poising and of the final kingdom/ symbolic of the heavenly banquets

(xii) It is central to Christian worship/ Eucharistic.
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 19:45

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