Write down five lessons on the cost of discipleship that Christians can learn from the Uganda martyrs


Write down five lessons on the cost of discipleship that Christians can learn from the Uganda martyrs.



Lessons on the cost of discipleship from the Uganda
(i) Christians should be ready to suffer and even die for their faith/ should not give up their faith during persecution/ held on the truth at all cost.

(ii) Following Jesus can lead to suffering and even death

(iii) Christians should be ready to deny themselves for the sake of the gospel

(iv) They should rely on God help during persecution

(v) They should not conform/ compromise political social or traditional demands expense of their faith

(vi) They should pray and forgive their enemies martyrdom should unite against oppression injustice and persecution

(vii) They should be determined to carry out the work of God. Propagate the gospel witness to Christ. In spite of persecutions/ condemn evil.
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 10, 2018 at 19:51

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