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Describe the parable of the sower drawing illustration from the book of (Luke 8:1-15)


Describe the parable of the sower drawing illustration from the book of (Luke 8:1-15)



Jesus told the disciples who were with him the parable of sower that there were sower who went to sow he scattered the seeds some fell on the way birds come and ate them up.

Other seeds fell on Rocky places and when they started to come up, because of lack of moisture they dried up.

Other seeds fell on thorny they started to grow on the way they got chocked.

Other seeds fell on good soil they grew and produce fruits.

Jesus goes on to explain the parable,the sower is Jesus and seeds are word of God those along the path are people who hears the word but it is being taken by the devil.

Those of rocky are one who hears the word but because of temptations they are being defeated because the word is not deep rooted in their heart.

Those of thorny are people who hear the word receive then later they get chocked by Earthly pleasures.

Those of good soil are people who hears the word and retained it until they produce fruits.
0715062617 answered the question on January 11, 2018 at 21:32

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