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(i) What is ‘industrial inertia’? (ii) State two causes of industrial inertia


(i) What is ‘industrial inertia’?
(ii) State two causes of industrial inertia



(i) What is ‘industrial inertia’?
The tendency of an industry to remain in a particular place even when the initial/original locational factors/advantages are no longer important

(ii) State two causes of industrial inertia
(a) An industry may remain in a place due to the availability of experienced workers. Areas with traditional industries are usually rich with skilled and experienced workers. In such a case, the investors will be reluctant to move to a new area even if the original location factors are no longer important.
(b) Sometimes it is very expensive to move to a new site. Moving to a new site would mean building a new factory as well as buying new machinery and other equipment.
(c) An established industrial region usually has a well developed transport network. For an industry to move to a new site, it will be faced with transportation and other basic infrastructure problems.
johnson mwenjera answered the question on January 12, 2018 at 07:17

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