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Explain the following factors facing wave deposition: The energy of the waves, Gradient of the shore, Configuration of the coastline, Depth of water


Explain the following factors facing wave deposition:
The energy of the waves
Gradient of the shore
Configuration of the coastline
Depth of water



The energy of the waves

For deposition to occur the breaking must have strong swash and a weak backwash. Such waves are called constructive waves. When the swash is stronger than the backwash, excess material is left on the shore. Waves should also break at low velocity to allow materials to settle.

Gradient of the shore line

A shore with a gentle slope reduces the velocity of the backwash causing the waves to deposit their load. Where the coast is steep there is active erosion and where it is gentle there is deposition

Configuration of the coastline

This the orientation of the coastline in relation to the direction of the prevailing winds and hence the direction of the waves. When the coastline changes and turns inwards towards land, the action of longshore drift is halted. Deposition takes place if the shore is shallow

Depth of water

Deposition of most material carried by the waves takes place where the water is shallow. This is where cyclic motion of the waves is broken as the waves come in contact with the floor of the sea.
Faimus answered the question on January 13, 2018 at 20:04

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