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Describe the practices that a dairy farmer must carry out to achieve clean milk production


Describe the practices that a dairy farmer must carry out to achieve clean milk production



Practises carried out to ensure clean milk production

Maintain healthy milking herd

? Dairy cows should be free from zoonotic disease
? Cows should be tested for mastitis and other milk-borne diseases regularly
? Healthy animals should be milked first

Clean and dairy cow

? The cow‘s flanks and udder should be thoroughly cleaned using warm water.
? The hair around the udder and flanks should be dipped

Clean the milking shed

? Milking shed should be kept clean
? It should be disinfected to avoid flies
? It should be free from dust and bad odours

Clean milk utensils

? Milking utensils should be washed using hot water with detergents
? They should be subsequently sterilized

Milk filtration

Strain milk using sieve to remove dirt, hair and any other foreign materials

Milk cooling

Milk should be cooled immediately after milking to slow down bacterial multiplication and improve the keeping quality.

Avoiding flavours in milk

- Feeds that give bad flavor to milk should be fed to animals after milking
- Milking equipment made of cooper and iron should be avoided.
john3 answered the question on January 14, 2018 at 04:28

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