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Read the oral narrative “The Hunter who refused to swallow his dog’ then answer the questions that follow. A man and his dog went out to...


Read the oral narrative

“The Hunter who refused to swallow his dog’ then answer the questions that follow. A man and his dog went out to hunt.

The man shot and killed an antelope and carried it home. But on the way he met an Iimu. The limu said to the man, “who gave you permission to kill my antelope?’’ The hunter replied, “I did not know that it was your antelope.” The limu said, “will you quickly tell your dog to swallow the antelope ; then you swallow the dog, and I will swallow you before I go away? Do it right away for I am in a hurry!”

The hunter thought for a few moments and said, “How can I swallow a dog?” At that moment the hare appeared, and on seeing them, he said, “Hello there! What are you debating about?” The limu replied, “This man went and killed my antelope. I told him to make his dog swallow it, and then to swallow the dog himself so that I can swallow him and go away. For I am in a great hurry. But he refused to do so. That is why we are arguing. The hare said, “This is a very simple matter. Now, you hunter, tell your dog to swallow the antelope, then swallow the dog, and you limu swallow the hunter, and I will swallow you afterwards. Do this as soon as possible for I am in a greater hurry.”

The limu said, “Oh, no!” The hare insisted, “You must not refuse.” However, the limu immediately ran away, leaving the hunter with the antelope. The hare said to the hunter, “You may now take your meat home, for I really don’t eat meat. I merely wanted to save you.” So the hunter carried the antelope and returned to his home. He never went to hunt in that forest for some time.

One day, while the hare was resting, he saw the hunter come stealthily, intending to kill him. He said to the hunter, “Friend, I saved you sometime ago but now you want to kill me!” The man replied, “I can’t listen to that nonsense. My children went to bed last night without anything to eat, and here you are, telling me that I should not kill you!”Then he shot one of his arrows, but the hare evaded it. The hare said to him again,

“Friend, because you want to kill me you will never have good luck in all your life.” He then ran away from the hunter and hid himself in another part of the forest. The hunter picked up his arrow and went back to his home. He found that his wife and his two children were all dead. If he had left the hare alone, this would never have happened. However, because of his foolishness, he refused to listen to the voice of the hare and because of his ingratitude, this great misfortune came to him.

a) Identify and explain any two things you would do to prepare yourself for the above narrative.
b)What two verbal cues would you use effectively to bring out the exchange between the hare and the hunter.explain your answers.



a)-Mastery of the content so as not to miss key details
- find appropriate costumes to bring out the local flavour
b)-Use of tonal variations to bring the two speakers the hare and the hunter
-mimicry of hare and the hunter to bring out the gratitude of selfishness of the hunter, the shock it gives to the hare.

Githiari answered the question on January 15, 2018 at 11:03

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