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Write down five ways through which the early Christians were persecuted. ( 5mks)


Write down five ways through which the early Christians were persecuted.



Ways through which the early Christians were persecuted.
i. They were imprisoned
ii. They were stoned to death e.g. Stephen
iii. Not allowed to preach in public
iv. They were denied access to the temple
v. They were beheaded.
vi. They were beaten /flogged/tortured
vii. They were ridiculed/mocked/ despised
viii. They were insulted/abused.
ix. They were thrown to wild animals
x. They were crucified .
xi. They were thrown into boiling oil
xii. Any other forms of persecution which are relevant/poisoned/stripped naked/slavery/exiled/thrown out by family(Rejection) Banished
joseph rimiru answered the question on January 15, 2018 at 18:30

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